
Cultivating Warmth and Connection

On this day of celebrating the beauty of love, I’m thinking about the warmth and connection that is at the heart of every strong team. I’m not talking about romantic love, of course....
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A Word for the Year: Committed

COMMITTED That’s my word of the year.  A word of the year helps me set a direction and follow-though on things I know are important and take time. Choosing one word can be...
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How are you measured?

How are you measured at work? This seems like a simple question, right? Take a moment, and answer if you can. (I’ll wait.) Was that easy?  For some, the measures of success are clear. If...
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Time is Not Your Problem

I hate the feeling of spinning my wheels. There are times when I find myself bouncing off walls, my attention split into fragments, distracted by 100 tasks and “to-dos.” This is...
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Welcoming or Resisting Change

You know the old adage: Change is the only constant. This slogan is often used to “help” people “get on board” when leaders have made a decision and they want everyone to...
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Tiny Practice. Big Impact.

I love this season for many reasons, the best of which is the feeling of basking in gratitude, giving, and reflection.  I am a generally content and grateful person with a predisposition...
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Awkward! Move Past It with These 3 Tips

Coaching is a powerful skill set that every leader should cultivate.  When done skillfully, coaching can unleash the power of your team by…    • Building trust,...
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Finding YOUR Happy

While in grad school, I lived in a studio apartment by the beach. It was a simple place—400 square feet above a garage, with lots of light and formica counter tops. I could hear the waves and...
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It's Complicated.....But SO Worthwhile

People are complicated. We are all so unique! It's part of what relationships so interesting, and life so fascinating. We have our own histories, personalities and challenges. We bring all of that...
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The Crazy Power of Words

Ever notice how some words have a crazy amount of power? Like these:  I do No Get out Hands-up Even when the result isn't so dramatic, our words shape our reality.  I once heard a group...
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