Finding YOUR Happy
While in grad school, I lived in a studio apartment by the beach. It was a simple place—400 square feet above a garage, with lots of light and formica counter tops. I could hear the waves and...
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It's Complicated.....But SO Worthwhile
People are complicated. We are all so unique! It's part of what relationships so interesting, and life so fascinating. We have our own histories, personalities and challenges. We bring all of that...
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The Crazy Power of Words
Ever notice how some words have a crazy amount of power? Like these: I do No Get out Hands-up Even when the result isn't so dramatic, our words shape our reality. I once heard a group...
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But are YOU coachable?
When talking about how to make real change on any given team, I often hear leaders lament, “But so-and-so just isn’t coachable!” It's frustrating to encounter resistance...
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EQUITY through COACHING—They Go Together Naturally
In this interview, Claire Laughlin and Samantha Folb discuss how a COACHING style of management naturally supports EQUITY in the workplace. Samantha Folb is Director of Training, Compliance...
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Have I Told You Lately How Special You Are?
Happy Valentine's Day! Today I'm sharing 3 tips on how to deepen your very special workplace relationships (and yes, you can try this at home). One of the things that makes teams thrive is...
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What's Keeping You Up at Night?
I’ve been hearing concerning stories from many of my clients and colleagues, and I’m spotting trends. Here are some of the struggles I'm hearing about lately: ...
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How to Know What IS and ISN'T Working
The other day I was in a meeting with a client, talking about the positives and negatives of a program I have been delivering. She told me what was working for the participants and what...
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The Antidote for Gut-Wrench & Chaos
I can’t believe it.It’s only mid-January and my end-of-year bliss has already given-way to that old familiar “too-much-to-do, too-little-time” gut ache. Maybe...
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Awesome Future YOU
Do you ever imagine some “future state” in which you’ve finally… Lost that stubborn five pounds Achieved a better state of balance Found the secret to happiness at work or...
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