
Will Summertime Chaos Knock You Out of Your Game?

Summer is fun, but it can be chaotic! Kids home from school, juggling crazy schedules, backyard barbecues, covering for colleagues during vacation, planning getaways—it's a lot! ! It all...
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Driven by Vision

In the ebb and flow of life, we are always becoming something. Whether accidentally or purposefully, we are continually evolving. The question of the day is: who are you becoming? I work with...
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The Journey to YOU

The road to self-discovery is as long as life itself. And it’s a most fascinating journey! At its essence, self-awareness is the ability to know oneself deeply — to recognize our...
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To Me By Me For Me

In our quest to gain self-awareness, it helps to understand the underlying “operating systems” that are driving, organizing, and shaping our thoughts and actions. These operating...
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Wouldn’t it be great to get MORE of the RIGHT things done so you can feel a real sense of progress and achievement?   I’m always looking for the habits, hacks and patterns that get...
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Cultivating Warmth and Connection

On this day of celebrating the beauty of love, I’m thinking about the warmth and connection that is at the heart of every strong team. I’m not talking about romantic love, of course....
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A Word for the Year: Committed

COMMITTED That’s my word of the year.  A word of the year helps me set a direction and follow-though on things I know are important and take time. Choosing one word can be...
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How are you measured?

How are you measured at work? This seems like a simple question, right? Take a moment, and answer if you can. (I’ll wait.) Was that easy?  For some, the measures of success are clear. If...
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Time is Not Your Problem

I hate the feeling of spinning my wheels. There are times when I find myself bouncing off walls, my attention split into fragments, distracted by 100 tasks and “to-dos.” This is...
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Finding YOUR Happy

While in grad school, I lived in a studio apartment by the beach. It was a simple place—400 square feet above a garage, with lots of light and formica counter tops. I could hear the waves and...
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