
No One Wants to Admit Burnout

A brief summer break turned into an 8-week "reset" when I noticed that my mind was filled with radio static. The normal flurry of creative pursuits and ideas had been replaced by a sort of...
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Dream, Intentions, Goals and Plans

This is a little story about turning dreams in to reality. "Make your dreams come true." We've all heard it, but adults know there's a vast gap between daydreaming and manifesting, not to mention...
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Radical Ownership

Some days I feel powerless. It usually starts with a trigger. My manager uses “that tone.” My kids “overlook” their home chores. My direct report hasn’t completed the...
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5 Silent Culture Killers

Let’s face it. Leading is HARD.  I don’t know a single leader who would ever intentionally destroy, derail or create a dysfunctional team or compromise their culture. But I do...
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5 Powerful Team Rituals to Boost Success

What makes a team feel connected, purposeful, and unstoppable? For some, the answer lies in the predictable power of rituals. Let’s explore how rituals shape success by comparing two teams....
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Don't Sell Yourself Short

I LOVE harmony. Give me joy, harmony, peace, and love any day of the week! But over time, I’ve come to learn that there is a high-cost to side-stepping the hard conversations, difficult...
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Pandemnesia (Pan-dem-NEE-zhuh)

I made up the word PANDEMNESIA to describe the condition of having forgotten what life was like prior to the pandemic.  Every week, as I spend time with leaders and teams from different...
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Better Days Ahead

I had a miserable job. Every day felt like I was swimming against the current, struggling to get the work done, feeling like a failure, and walking out exhausted. On Sunday mornings, I would start...
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Know Your Strengths

I remember my first personality assessment vividly—it was the Myers-Briggs, and I took it early in my career. (Can you guess my type?) The insights I gained were profound, sparking a journey...
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Driven by Vision

In the ebb and flow of life, we are always becoming something. Whether accidentally or purposefully, we are continually evolving. The question of the day is: who are you becoming? I work with...
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Reset Your Culture: How to Reclaim, Revive and Refocus your Team

Wed. August 28th 12:00 ā€“ 1:00PM

Join me for this action-packed webinar and you'll come away with practical strategies to strengthen your teamā€™s culture, improve collaboration, and navigate the challenges of todayā€™s work environment.