Better Days Ahead
I had a miserable job. Every day felt like I was swimming against the current, struggling to get the work done, feeling like a failure, and walking out exhausted. On Sunday mornings, I would start...
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How to have a strengths-based conversation with your manager
Picture this: You're feeling more in tune with your STRENGTHS than ever before. You've taken The Six Types of Working Genius® assessment, reflected on your past experiences, and gathered...
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Know Your Strengths
I remember my first personality assessment vividly—it was the Myers-Briggs, and I took it early in my career. (Can you guess my type?) The insights I gained were profound, sparking a journey...
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Time is Not Your Problem
I hate the feeling of spinning my wheels. There are times when I find myself bouncing off walls, my attention split into fragments, distracted by 100 tasks and “to-dos.” This is...
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