

The Keys to Managing Performance

No one wants to have that hard conversation about poor performance! But, unaddressed issues get worse over time and can derail your culture and destroy a leader's credibility.   ...
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The Gift of Your Attention

*Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash     There were five of them.  Teenagers,  between 13 and 16, I suppose, at a table next to me in a cafe.  I heard...
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Make your heart bigger than the hurt

Photo by Khadeeja Yasser on Unsplash Today is Valentine's Day, and you'll probably see a lot of social media posts about love and connection. Ah, roses and rainbows!!!   But today, I want...
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Let Your Employees Struggle

When I was in my first year of college I had a paper to write. I’ll never forget it.  I had waited until just one day before it was due to get started.  Back in high school the...
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Ready to Ditch Your Performance Appraisal?

 *Photo by Scott Warman on Unsplash   Last Sunday I was at a dinner party when the subject of “the week ahead” came up.  “I have to do my annual performance...
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5 Tips for Better Teamwork

 Which of the 4 graphs above best represents your team trajectory?  Is it A? Holding steady- not improving but not declining  Is it B? Sometimes up, sometimes down… but rather...
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The ONE Thing that Accelerates EVERYTHING

Imagine this… You arrive at the airport for a connecting flight. The pressure is ON. You’ve got to find the shuttle, travel to another terminal, and haul your bulky carry-on, and you...
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Cast a Vote for the New You!

I love the book, Atomic Habits by James Clear. It’s a compelling guide for how to turn intentions into reality by taking tiny (atomic) actions and turning them into habits. ...
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Dreams, Intentions, Goals and Plans

In 2021 I did something I had been dreaming about for decades. I hiked into Machu Picchu.  It was a rainy, cold day and the hike was long and steep. I was with 2 dear friends and our amazing...
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Plan, Delegate, DEPART

Seems like there's never a "good time" to go on vacation, right?  The end of the year is full of holidays, and the summer is full of tourists.  The spring might be your "busy season"...
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