
What if I am Part of the Problem?

One of the key commonalities in difficult or strained relationships is that we tend to believe that the OTHER person is the source of the problem. We often focus our attention on what they've done...
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Not "Most Likely to Succeed"

When I was in my first quarter at college, I made a lot of friends in my dorm. We were there for the summer quarter, and we became a tight-knit bunch.  At the end of the quarter, we had...
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H is for Healthy Relationships

Let's talk about Healthy relationships! A wise person once shared this image with me, and now I’d like to share it with you...  Think about 2 people in a healthy relationship...
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Examine Your Assumptions

This week, I want to encourage you to Examine Your Core Assumptions about people, relationships, and “basic goodness”   Let me explain… I believe that people are...
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Don't let stress and strain degrade your relationships!

We've all been under a lot of strain and stress for a long time, and under conditions like these, it's very natural for us to sink into patterns of protectiveness and defensiveness, and even...
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It's Time to Open Our Hearts

Lately, I've been talking a lot about trust, because for me, it is at the heart of healthy relationships and a fulfilling life. This week I'd like to talk about conflict. Many of the same...
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Can I just vent for a minute?

Let me tell you about a beautiful gift my husband gave to me, that you can turn around and share with others. It's free, it's easy and it will improve your relationships and interactions...
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Trust-Builders, DON'T QUIT!

If you've been watching these videos, I imagine it's because you are a person who values trust and you want to have healthy, high-trust relationships. This week I want to say THANK YOU!  I...
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Every Interaction Builds or Breaks Trust

Today I woke up in a grumpy mood. (I hate to admit it, but it's true.)  And then I made the mistake of checking my email and found an email that was a little bit "triggering" for me, but...
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