
Don't Tread on Me

As a leader, you WILL need to lead others through change, and you WILL inadvertently threaten their inner sense of security. Here, I’ll help you understand some of those threats and how to...
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It’s Hard to Fix What You Don’t Understand

Performance Issues As a coaching manager, you know the power of holding meaningful 1:1s with your team members. Yet, even with 1:1s, some performance issues persist. You find yourself asking WHY...
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Focused on Accountability?

Accountability is a hot topic these days. In my recent experience, accountability is most always referred to in a context that means, “Why aren’t THEY taking greater ownership over...
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Wouldn’t it be great to get MORE of the RIGHT things done so you can feel a real sense of progress and achievement?   I’m always looking for the habits, hacks and patterns that get...
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Performance Issues Got You Down?

Let’s face it, managing performance issues is usually one of the most challenging aspects of any leaders’ job. When one of your team members is not performing up to standard, it can...
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Cultivating Warmth and Connection

On this day of celebrating the beauty of love, I’m thinking about the warmth and connection that is at the heart of every strong team. I’m not talking about romantic love, of course....
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It's Complicated.....But SO Worthwhile

People are complicated. We are all so unique! It's part of what relationships so interesting, and life so fascinating. We have our own histories, personalities and challenges. We bring all of that...
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The Crazy Power of Words

Ever notice how some words have a crazy amount of power? Like these:  I do No Get out Hands-up Even when the result isn't so dramatic, our words shape our reality.  I once heard a group...
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But are YOU coachable?

When talking about how to make real change on any given team, I often hear leaders lament, “But so-and-so just isn’t coachable!” It's frustrating to encounter resistance...
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You have toilet paper on your shoe... and other awkward (but important) conversations

*Photo by Kev Bation on Unsplash   I was at a conference a few years back and was getting ready to give a presentation.  I was in the bathroom, calming my nerves and making sure...
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