
Are you a High Trust Leader

Are YOU a High Trust Leader? I have been truly lucky to have had many remarkable bosses and leaders. People who embodied trust and extended it to all. These leaders… Saw things in me that I...
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Why Engagement Should Matter to YOU

In my line of work, I hear a lot about Employee Engagement.    There are engagement surveys, strategies for engaging employees, and the costs of disengagement....
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Curiosity or Expertise?

Remember the joy of wonder? The spark of curiosity? For children, these are easy to come by. Kids are naturally open to the world and question everything. As we grow up, we learn that it is...
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I Got a Gold Star!

Do you remember the GOLD STARS in grade school? I don't know if it's a "thing" anymore, but I remember feeling good when I got a gold star for "being a good friend," or "turning my work in on...
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Why Happiness?

Does your happiness really matter? As a communication consultant and trainer, I work with many leaders and organizations on developing specific habits and practices that will help them be more...
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