
I Can Tell My Mom Anything

I heard my son utter this comment to his friend recently, and it brought tears of joy to my eyes.  I can't think of a better compliment.  I always wanted to be the kind of parent who...
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Obviously My Kids Don't Love Me Enough

I had presented this topic so many times.  I had seen people’s faces light up, and I had experienced many, “ah-ha” moments with audiences and this topic in the past.  I...
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Feeling Anxious? Good!

Does anyone enjoy feeling anxious? How can it be good?   Anxiety for its own sake may not feel wonderful - but it the emotion is powerful. The power of anxiety can be "harnessed" and used...
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Ever feel like you’ve tried every strategy, every approach, every angle, every tactic, over and over, and yet, you still cannot get that underperforming employee to meet expectations?...
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Exactly 600 Seconds - GO!

You’ve got just 600 seconds… 559 - 558 - 557 - it goes quickly, 556 - 555 - 554 - so grab their attention and KEEP it!   600 seconds. That’s all the time you have to grab...
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I Feel Like Iā€™m Cheating

When I was a kid in grade school, teachers stood in the front of the classroom and tried to fill our heads with volumes of the important facts, figures, and concepts that we would need to be...
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