
Trust Tip #6: Seek Feedback


Trust Tip #6: Seek Feedback

When you seek feedback from others, you demonstrate humility. 

You communicate that you are open to learning and growing and that you don’t already know it all. 

Humility is so essential in healthy relationships because it is based on the idea that we are equal. 

It puts people at ease; it sends the message that you value their opinion; it helps you get a better perspective on yourself and minimize those blind spots that we all have. 

Think about a person who doesn’t demonstrate humility… one who comes to the relationship with a sense of superiority like, “let me tell you how it’s done.” 

It can be very challenging to form strong relationships with someone like that. 


But, how do we seek (and get) good feedback? 

First, make it easy for a person to share their opinion. Be specific in your request. 

Instead of saying, “Hey, can you give me some feedback?” 

Try asking for something in particular, like, “I’m really wanting to improve my public speaking. I’m wondering if you could give me your opinion after my presentation Thursday.

I’d love to hear one thing that you think I did well, and one way you think I could improve my delivery or impact.

This kind of specific request lets the other person know that you really do want to improve and you are open to hearing what they have to say, and exactly how they can be helpful. 


Because... Giving feedback isn’t easy either… so don’t expect that it’s going to happen on the spot. You might have to ask more than once and you might have to try different tactics. 

A very close friend of mine asked me and several other people for feedback recently, and her experience was very interesting. She got very little… people seem to resist giving it, even when asked. 

They simply didn’t return her email, and many didn’t even acknowledge her request. 


I attribute this to the fact that people want to be thoughtful in their response, and because most of us are moving fast and when we see an email request like that, we think, “oh, I’ll get back to that later.” but we don’t. 


Even I had a hard time providing good feedback.

I KNEW she was sincere in her request. 

I knew that she truly wanted feedback, but I had these thoughts like, “who am I to tell her how to improve?” 


Be patient when you ask and be specific. 


Also, when you get feedback, be sure to THANK the person for whatever they have to offer- even if you disagree with what they have to say. 

Do NOT get defensive when they tell you how you can improve. 

This is yet another chance to demonstrate humility.


This week: go seek feedback. 

Think about an area where you’d like to improve. 

Find a trusted friend, make a specific request, and thank them for sharing!  

It’s a great way to keep getting better!


Now my request… can you give me some feedback? 

I’m interested in providing some easy, inspirational tips for building trust at work. 

How am I doing? 

Can you tell me one thing that is working for you and one way I can get better? 


Send me a reply. I value your opinion very much!


Meanwhile, Remember that creating a happy, high-energy workplace only happens with a foundation of trust and strong relationships that honor the needs of all.

For more information about building a high-trust workplace, check out my online course at: www.ClaireLaughlinOnline.com/high-trust-workplace


Now, go be a trust builder!

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