
To access these free resources – register now!


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Giving Direction Checklist

Leaders, ensure your team members have the skills they need to meet expectations. Use this checklist when you need to direct (or teach) a team member a new skill or task.

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4 Steps to Build an Effective Team

Leading a team is a demanding role! You must know how to engage your team, ensure positive relationships, structure the work to achieve outcomes, and still get your own work done! This framework can help.

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Claire’s Leadership Book List

I've curated a collection of my favorite leadership books to inspire your leadership learning journey! Check out this annotated resource that will help you decide what to read next!

TIE Tracker - Video

The Time Impact Energy Tracker will help you see how you really spend your precious time and energy. Watch this video and grab the TIE Tracker handout to clarify what is hindering your effectiveness.

TIE Tracker - Handout

The Time Impact Energy Tracker handout is the tool you need to get to the heart of what is really commanding your time. STOP guessing. Collect real data! Be sure to watch the TIE Tracker video to get started.

Learning Loops - Video

Learning Loops is a powerful tool that can help your team build accountability and commitment while maintaining safety. Don't forget the Learning Loops handout!


Learning Loops - Handout

Use this tool to engage your team, help them build a high level of accountability and get them deeply invested in their work. Watch the Learning Loops video to find out how.


Trust Tip 1 - Video

Take full responsibility for the trust problem. Learn to take powerful positive action, and find out why this is essential for building trust. 

Trust Tip 2 - Video

Follow through and make things happen. Who knew that keeping your word was so critical to trust!? You will be so glad that you did. 

Trust Tip 3 - Video

Speak up about the hard stuff. It isn't always easy, but others actually appreciate it! Plus, it's critical if you want to be a leader and a trust-builder. 

Trust Tip 4 - Video

Be a persistent, proactive problem solver. Find out what this means, why it is essential for trust building and how to do it, step-by-step

Trust Tip 5 - Video

Say "No" and set clear boundaries. "Yes" isn't always better. Boundaries help us perform better, clarify expectations and grow trust as a leader. 

Trust Tip 6 - Video

Seek feedback. Are you learning and growing? To truly develop trust as leaders, we must seek and be open to receiving feedback. Learn how. 


Coaching for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Desiree Saddler of the Saddler Consulting Group joins me to discuss how coaching can help us embrace diversity, create equity, and strengthen inclusion.


Coaching & Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs)

Theresa Phillips, an expert on documentation requirements and performance improvement plans (PIPs) joins me to discuss coaching around performance.

Claire's Coaching Book List

I’ve put together a list of my top 10 favorite coaching books. A short commentary is included for each. I hope you enjoy these books as much as I have. Happy Reading!


Being Your Personal Best

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Powerful Positivity Practices

Our daily routines matter! Here's a simple, actionable guide to boosting your energy and positivity throughout the day so you can show up at your best.

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Yes Language

A simple change in how we say something can have a transformative impact. This guide will show you how to speak with “Yes” language so you can make a powerful, positive impact on your team and at home.

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Managing Your Self-Talk: The 5-Day Challenge

Manage your self-talk and create positive change. Over the next five days, take the time to recognize, record, revise and repeat new positive self-talk. 

Meaningful Meetings

Meeting Agenda Templates

Brainstorming, Choice-Making and Planning meeting agenda templates are just a few we've put together to create more effective, productive meetings with your team.

14 Ways to Improve Your Meetings

Make your meetings more meaningful, engaging and interactive by using processes and activities that deliver real results!

Your Questions Answered

Coaching Q&A

We provide answers to client questions I have received on various topics including coaching, leadership and more on our YouTube channel!

Leadership Q&A

Check out my YouTube channel for the answers to client questions that I have received on a variety of topics including coaching, leadership and more!

Managing Performance

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Unpacking Performance Issues

Use this framework to prepare for your performance conversation and get to the heart of the performance issue and illuminate performance barriers. 


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Guide to Meaningful 1:1 Meetings

The 1:1 meeting is a time to provide connection, support and clarity to your team member. This guide will provide you with a model, guidelines and a template with space for notes that you can use to make the most of your next 1:1 meeting.

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Performance Coaching Planner

Use this guide to prepare for your performance conversations and you will be better positioned to provide the support, encouragement, and resources necessary to turn any performance challenge around!

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Ready to Ditch Your Performance Appraisal?

Check out this video where we discuss tools for moving your organization from an annual performance appraisal to quarterly coaching.


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June 2024

This month, we focus on "Being Your Best!" You are your own greatest asset, so staying balanced and connected to yourself is essential. You need to take care of yourself every single day. This newsletter includes tons of tips, resources and recommendations to help you do just that.

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May 2024

If you want to create a team, workplace and life that is full of energy and momentum, you must begin by cultivating self-awareness. This month, we delve into knowing ourselves better, seeking to understand our own self-talk, thought patterns, trouble spots, gifts, strengths, values and more!

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April 2024

This month is all about change leadership. Leading change is hard because it is ultimately about leading people through periods of uncertainty and discomfort. We unpack the process of change and give you tools and insight about how to be better change leaders.

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March 2024

This month, we're talking about managing performance. Managing sub-optimal performance can be one of the most challenging and frustrating aspects of any leader's job. Leading the way and coaching our team members does require an investment up front, but will save untold time and frustration in the long run. 

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February 2024

The very first edition of "The Happy High-Energy Workplace Newsletter." Your go-to source for all things leadership, trust, coaching, organizational effectiveness and more! You'll find inspiration, tools, and resources to help you be your best at work, and create a happy, high-energy environment so that everyone thrives!

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